By Eva-Maria McCormack

How can we defend democracy against far-right extremist tendencies and the rise of the AfD in German parliaments? How can we also defend it against widespread fear of the future, which makes us vulnerable to populist narratives?

How can we as a society develop resilience, hope and, above all, visions of the future that empower us to solve the crises of our time – chief among them the climate crisis, the biggest distribution issue of our time. And how can the resistance against the Nazi terror regime inspire us in doing so?

Our founder Eva-Maria McCormack, also a board member of the Adam von Trott Foundation Imshausen e. V., discussed these questions in a joint panel with the Bishop of Fulda Dr Michael Gerber, as well as Prof Dr Dr Holger Zaborowski (University of Erfurt), und Dr Claudio Kullmann (Catholic Office Erfurt) at the Catholic Academy in Fulda. Werner Schlierike, Hessischer Rundfunk, moderated the discussion.

More than 150 guests, including pupils from two classes at the Freiherr von Stein School in Fulda, attended the evening, which also highlighted how each and every individual can make a difference and stand up for democracy.

Panel from left: Werner Schlierike, Bishop Dr Michael Gerber, Eva-Maria McCormack, Dr Claudio Kullmann, Prof Dr Dr Holger Zaborowski