Change requires understanding – especially with those who disagree or have different needs. Our approach starts with listening, understanding and empathy.  

Our expertise is socially inclusive communication that builds bridges and paves the way for new solutions and collective change. 


Our vision is a fair and sustainable future in which all people can thrive and live together peacefully. That is why we combine the goals of climate protection, social justice, health and democratic participation in our work.  

We work toward this future with socially inclusive strategies and socially inclusive communication. We mobilize for collective change by co-creating engaging future scenarios, fostering participatory solutions and empowering individuals to take action.  

Our approach is evidence-based, goal-oriented, creative and driven by hope. 


Creating a sustainable world requires the support of all members of society. However, many people feel left out of the climate debate or worry about how it will affect their own lives.

The Talking Hope Framework for Socially Inclusive Climate Communication© offers a new approach to climate communication that is designed to reach more people from all sections of society. It is people-centered, encourages participation, and helps individuals and communities discover hope and personal empowerment in the fight against climate change. 

The framework is based on scientific evidence from the fields of communications research, psychology, didactics, sociology and social work. The Talking Hope Framework for Socially Inclusive Climate Communication© can be used to improve climate communication in both organizational and personal contexts.

You would like to use our framework? Please contact us: We offer workshops, training, lectures and talks.  

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Why Hope?

Courage and the willingness to act are needed to shape the change towards a sustainable and socially just way of life. But in today’s time of many crises, the feeling “I can’t do anything anyway” stands like a hurdle in front of many people. Fear of the future, worry and perceived powerlessness prevent people from dialogue and consensus on new paths toward greater sustainability, social justice and civic involvement.

Talking Hope’s approach is rooted in hope. In our work, we promote self-efficacy, participation and peer-led engagement. We work with attractive visions of the future: We develop scenarios that create longing for tomorrow and mobilize for action today. In this approach, we draw on our special expertise in the fields of psychology, political didactics and social work.

Want to learn more? Alongside our project work, we offer workshops, trainings, talks and key notes on our approach.

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We are proud to have signed the following charters:

Charta des Klimaschutz-Engagements  

Grazer Charta der Klimakommunikation